PURSE Debuts Revolutionary ERC-404 Standard for Enhanced Digital Asset Liquidity and Ownership

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4 min readMar 8, 2024

In a pioneering move set to redefine the landscape of digital assets, PURSE has announced the introduction of ERC-404 tokens for its platform, marking a significant leap forward in the evolution of cryptocurrency standards. This innovative token standard, ERC-404, ingeniously merges the properties of ERC-20 fungible tokens and ERC-721 non-fungible tokens (NFTs), creating a new class of assets that are both fungible and non-fungible depending on their state.

What Is ERC-404?

ERC-404 Working Process

On 2 February 2024, Pandora became the first functional token minted under the experimental ERC-404 standard, captivating the cryptocurrency community. The ERC-404 standard merges the features of ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens, introducing the groundbreaking ability for a token to function as a fungible asset or, when intact, as a non-fungible token (NFT). This innovative dual functionality tackles the persistent challenges of NFT liquidity and fractionalization, setting the stage for greater versatility and usefulness in digital asset exchanges.

PURSE’s Bold Initiative: 10,000 PURSE BOX NFT

PURSE is at the forefront of adopting this innovative standard with the minting of 10,000 PURSE BOX NFTs. This strategic move not only demonstrates PURSE’s commitment to innovation but also its foresight in leveraging the potential of ERC-404 to enhance liquidity and market dynamics. The conversion rate has been set at 1,000,000 $PURSE for 1 PURSE BOX, totaling an impressive 10 billion $PURSE for the complete set of 10,000 PURSE BOX NFTs.

The Significance of ERC-404

The ERC-404 standard represents a significant milestone in the cryptocurrency space, bridging the gap between fungible and non-fungible tokens. It introduces a mint and burn strategy that seamlessly transitions tokens between their fungible and non-fungible states, enhancing trading flexibility and opening new avenues for asset management. With a market cap already exceeding $347 million and robust trading activity, ERC-404 tokens are poised to become a pivotal element in the digital asset ecosystem.

The ERC20 token trading volume is 100 times larger than the NFT market, and so is the liquidity pool. ERC-404 leverages ERC20 liquidity on ERC721, unlocking the liquidity potential of NFTs. Users can trade partial NFTs just like an ERC20 token.

Innovations and Applications

Named after the well-known web error code, ERC-404 is becoming synonymous with innovation in the crypto world. It facilitates native NFT fractionalization and trading on exchanges without the need for additional protocols. Furthermore, it allows for the free interaction with NFTs, addressing the challenge of NFT liquidity by enabling their listing on exchanges and the creation of AMM swap pools.

New applications for NFTs include breaking down ownership of an NFT into smaller, tradable, and executable units. Similar to how stocks can be divided into shares, invoices or letters of credit can be divided into pieces for refinancing purposes, and agreements can be fragmented for execution.

NFTs can be divided into fractions, enabling multiple investors to own a portion of the NFT. This fractionalization process is often utilized to enhance accessibility to high-value NFTs for a wider range of investors.

Additionally, the fractional functionality of NFTs can be employed for multisig purposes, where users need to possess a certain amount of tokens to unlock specific contracts or execute particular functions.

Looking Forward

As PURSE spearheads the transformation of existing tokens with the launch of PURSE BOX NFT, the potential uses and impact of ERC-404 tokens are immense. This innovation paves the way for seamless integration with core DeFi protocols and improves the liquidity and tradability of NFTs, showcasing the blockchain community’s commitment to innovation. However, it’s important to proceed with caution regarding this new standard. Given its experimental nature, the future developments of ERC-404 are eagerly awaited.

PURSE’s adoption of ERC-404 underscores its commitment to pushing the boundaries of blockchain technology and providing its users with cutting-edge solutions. As the ERC-404 standard continues to evolve, it promises to usher in a new era of digital asset interaction, blending the best of both worlds in the fungible and non-fungible token spaces.

About Pundi X
Based in Singapore, Pundi X was founded in 2017 with the aim of harnessing the power of blockchain technology to make a more secure and inclusive world. As of this writing, the company is responsible for the XPOS, a point-of-sales smart device that allows brick-and-mortar stores to transact on the blockchain.

Pundi X has also been selected as one of the top 50 Innovative Fintech Startups in 2018 by KPMG and H2 Ventures, cool vendors in blockchain business by Gartner, and one of the top 10 fintech leaders by Singapore Fintech Association in 2019.

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Reward token by @PundiXLabs. Created to incentivize #XPOS usage, redeem #NFT’s, expand Pundi X Chain’s ecosystem and increase $PUNDIX value through rewards.