Satisfied in the Gospel

Jeffrey West
Into the Image
Published in
3 min readNov 7, 2015

If you’re tired of reading what I write (I assume you are by now!) read on to learn how my friend Kevin finds satisfaction in the gospel and what that means for him.

Satisfaction in the Gospel

by Kevin Lin

Life is not always going to go the way you want it to go. People may let you down, circumstances may be difficult, your health may fail, and the list of troubles goes on and on.

What I struggle with most during difficult times is disappointment, feeling sad because my expectations are not met. Disappointment easily leads to bitterness, and bitterness to anger, and anger to hatred.

What I remind myself during times of disappointment is to find delight and satisfaction in the realities made true by the Gospel, and not in whatever I am not getting.

I repent to God for trying to find ultimate satisfaction from secondary things in life. There is a throne of ultimate satisfaction in my heart reserved for God. When any other thing, even good things — relationships, career, ministry — sits on that throne, it has become an idol I need to repent of.

I would also remind myself of the Gospel. The Gospel is the reality that as a believer in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, I am now reconciled and infinitely loved by a great God. I am cleared of my guilt and adopted as a son. What a wonderful love!

So, people may let me down, life may not be easy, and my body may pain and inconvenience me. But ultimately my happiness does not depend on them. I am happy in God. No one can take away my joy.

Being satisfied in God also allows me to truly love others. Because I do not expect to get, I am free to give and serve.

Being satisfied in God allows me to bear with the uncertainties and pressures of life. If I accept the worst possible scenarios as not being outside of God’s loving, sovereign plan over my life, I have no fear.

Being satisfied on God allows me to freely confess my sins and failures, because I have no shame before men for what God has forgiven.

Being satisfied in God, ironically, enables me to truly obey God. Obedience opens the door to the treasure of special blessings that the Lord has reserved for those who live a righteous life.

So many people in the world have gone through deep, deep disappointments. So many people have untold bitterness. So many people are angry on the inside. So many people have a raging hate beneath their calm smiles.

I was one of them. And I’m still struggling not to be.

So I pray, that we would find our ultimate satisfaction in God, and not in anything else in life. Any other satisfaction is superficial and temporary in comparison. Let us repent. Let God be on that throne.

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