Obtaining new skills is not difficult, maybe you just feel intimidated

At least that’s what I told myself when I start learning how to code.

Luthfan Auzan
3 min readMay 31, 2021

I have always been passionate about IT, whether it is fixing my computer and my friends’ computers, building and upgrading my own PC, keeping my computer clean, well optimized, and secure all the time, lusting over and saving to buy the shiniest new tech, so on and so forth. I was thinking, it’s time for me to be a creator, not just a consumer. Some people (computer geeks mostly) are making billions from their passion. But it’s not just capitalism-driven, it’s about working in the field that you’re passionate about. If you do what you love, you will never work for the rest of your life, right? Some people also said that if you like doing something, don’t do it for free.

Anyway, it has to start somewhere. For me, it starts when I had a side job as a teacher. I teach programming and robotics to kids and teenagers, but nothing too complicated yet. When I started to enjoy it, I began to think that it will be a great way to move my career forward.

Web development job is pretty much everywhere regardless of the industry type, so I started by learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. At first, I was quite overwhelmed (and intimidated) by the complexity and all the things I have to comprehend. I was afraid, yet I soldiered on. I was confused at times, feeling stuck was a regular occurrence. I lost my spirit for a while, but I tried to keep going. Eventually, I am able to comprehend more things, grasp more concepts, and able to advance my study. It was quite an addiction to discover new things and able to solve more problems. The feeling of being stuck feels like a withdrawal, then I was able to solve more things and get my high. I was quite lucky to have colleagues that understand these kinds of thing, their help was quite a blessing for me.

The point is that when you are on your way to obtain new skills, don’t think about the complexity of what to come, don’t compare yourself to someone who is already an expert. Start your way from the basics, the simple stuff, then work your way up to the more advanced stuff. Step by step, gradually advancing. It’s okay to feel stuck or confused at times, but always believe that you will get the learners high when you get through. Your spirit might fluctuate, and it’s okay. People who are experts in your field were probably in your position at some point, but they can do it well eventually.

Everyone has their own pace., don’t feel down when you get stuck. Here are my tips :

  • Take a break, relax, do something else, and don’t put your mind on your study for a while. Grab a coffee, play some games, hang out, do something fun or relaxing to you. You might just have a lightbulb eureka moment while on your break.
  • Take it easy, and take it consistently. Make a to-do list and plan for each day, make your study more structured and divide it into bite-size chunks.
  • Don’t push yourself too hard, you can easily get burned out that way. Focus on what you do, relax, and distract yourself once in a while, you will hopefully have smooth sailing (learning) ahead. It’s always a great idea to learn with a fresh mind and a good mood.

Hopefully, this article will give you new insights and a new perspective to enhance your studying experience. Happy learning!

