It’s OKAY to want more

Debashri Mishel Dutta
Push for Women
Published in
1 min readMar 11, 2024
Photo by Microsoft Edge on Unsplash

The media thrives on negativity andit’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of stories that highlight struggle, conflict, and hardship.

Turn on the news or scroll through social media, and you’re bombarded with narratives that make it seem like aspiring for more is an exception rather than the norm.

This constant stream of negative storytelling can subtly ingrain the message that wanting more from life is somehow not okay — that we should simply accept our lot and not strive for better.

Or that we should blame our parents and our government and drop all efforts to fight for our dreams.

But this space is for you if you’re just not interested in a defeatist or ‘practical’ attitude.

Much of what is ‘realistic’ is negativity bias in action. And even if things are bad — does that mean we throw up our hands and accept less?

This space is for you if you want more and don’t want to apologize for it.

So if you’ve ever felt out of place for harboring ambitions or dreaming big, keep reading. You and your validations are valid and you SHOULD keep on keeping on.

