Star Wars and the Warriors

Joseph Willen
Push The Pace
Published in
3 min readFeb 1, 2018
Editor’s note: I wanted to make the title “Star Warriors” but I don’t think the author would let me.


As I watched Star Wars-The Last Jedi, I couldn’t help but feel like I had seen this storyline before. A group of people, doubted, questioned, then brought together for a common goal. A strong leader, backed by an even stronger supporting cast. Three stars enlisting help from the otherside. Sound familiar? Turns out there’s tons of strangely obvious parallels between the Warriors and “The Resistance” from Star Wars. (It pains me to say it, but this makes the Warriors The Resistance.)

The most obvious comparison to be made is that of Kylo Ren and Kevin Durant. Ren stabbed the dark side in the back, killing Snoke. Kevin Durant did the same thing to Russ and the Thunder. Another similarity between Durant and Ren is the absence of a father figures. KD’s father abandoned him, just as Han did to Kylo. The only visible differences between KD and Kylo is that KD’s a momma’s boy and Kylo, while having an okay relationship with his mother, has a bond nowhere near that between KD and his mom.

I’m pretty sure writer-director Rian Johnson based Poe off of the reigning DPOY. Poe Dameron doesn’t listen to anything anyone says. He’s willing to do all the dirty work. He is loyal to a fault, and enjoys fixing any qualms with a good fight. Rings a bell, doesn’t it… Poe is an undervalued character, but he gets the job done. Without him, the resistance is nothing.

Let me paint a picture. A man. Incredibly naturally talented. Hardworking. Doubted from the beginning. Someone who found immense success as a leader. I know. It sounds exactly like Rey (except that bit about being a man). Or Steph Curry. Or more like Rey (again, not a man). I don’t know. Whatever. The first time Rey fought, she only needed Finn and Poe, but as the first order grew stronger, she decided she needed to bring in reinforcements. Remember, the first time Rey and Kylo Ren fought, Rey won.

Remember this picture? It’s the moment Steph knew he’d found the right piece to join him next year. Steph tells KD come to Warriors. The same way Rey did with Kylo.

Last, but certainly not least is Finn — Klay Thompson. Fun Stat: Klay Thompson took roughly 4 more shots per game once Draymond Green joined him for his sophomore year. Now, granted, people almost always improve in their second season. Still, it was clear Draymond helped Thompson become more confident. That reminds of somebody’s relationship: Poe and Finn!! Most of Finn’s confidence comes from Poe. Poe even gave Finn his name. Tell me these two are not the splash brothers.

Finn works hard and will do anything for his team, even if that means running full charge into a battering ram laser. Sometimes, he gets the glory, sometimes he doesn’t.

