Plugins, Noise and Virtual Reality — Weekly Links

push conference
2 min readOct 4, 2021


Happy Monday! Weekly links took a brief hiatus last week, but now we are back with 5 (hopefully) interesting reads to get you through this week.

Monady: VR Workday

It’s been a while since Virtual Reality as at the height of the hype cycle. Now it is slowly starting to get used in more mainstream ways beyond gaming and demos. Case in point: Paul Tomlinson is a developer who is spending all of his workday in VR, including coding, meetings and ideation. Read his fascinating account in this writeup.

Tuesday: Atomic Workshops

Regardless of whether they are being done in VR, in-person or in some other way: design thinking workshops are a central part of UX work. Slava Shestopalov has done a great job teasing apart the various elements to make it easier to combine them into the workshop that you need.

Wednesday: Multilingual Mayhem

Moving from design thinking to design doing: designing in international product that gets translated into many languages is a skill of its own. This article by Eric Bailey takes us through all the (un)expected traps that come with this process, so that we can build for a wider audience.

Thursday: Plugin Bonanza

Who doesn’t love a good list of tools? We certainly do, especially when it is as well-curated as this list of useful Figma plugins from Dinesh Samala.

Friday: All Noise, No Signal

Finally, we get a bit nerdy and look at creative coding. Varun Vachhar has created this amazing interactive showcase about noise and its many aesthetic possibilities. Enjoy!

That’s it for this week! Only two more weeks until PUSH UX 2021 — make sure to check out the program and get your ticket!



push conference

Kick-ass 2-day event for the interactive field. Uniting UX Design & Creative Technology. Organized with love by @chperstl, @phlsa and Henning Schulze.