5 Things You Need To Know To Successfully build ……… With Matthew Weiss

Tomer Dicturel
Published in
4 min readFeb 8, 2019

This week I’m sitting down with Matt Weiss, an old friend and someone I have looked to for advice over the years. To say his story is fascinating is an understatement; I hope his journey inspires you in the way it inspired me!

Without further adieu, the interview.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Tell me a little bit about yourself and your company?

Matt: I own and operate Weiss & Associates, PC, a law firm in Manhattan that annually fights 6,000+ traffic tickets throughout New York State. We protect the rights of motorists who have be charged with offenses such as speeding, disobeying a sign and illegally using electronic devices. With a strong vision and solid execution, I have been able to grow the business and brand to become “go to” law firm for any vehicle and traffic law issue.

In 2011, I was inspired by the story of an amazing hero named Welles Crowther and became a filmmaker. After 6 years of effort, I completed a film about Welles titled “Man In Red Bandana” and narrated by Gwyneth Paltrow. It won awards, was seen in several film festivals and is currently available on iTunes and Amazon. My film production company just finished our second film called Vault with Don Johnson and Chazz Palmitieri. It is based on a $30 million heist that occurred in 1975 in Providence, RI, and will be released in 2019. I’m currently working on two other feature film projects as a writer and producer.

What makes your business unique? Can you share a success story?

Matt: There are very few professional service businesses that have scaled without adding partners (ie giving away equity). I am the sole owner of my law firm and have grown it to handle over 6,000 traffic tickets per year throughout the entire state. We have 20–30 lawyers who we regularly employ.

We’ve helped 10,000s of motorists throughout the year with keeping their licenses as clean as possible as well as avoiding suspensions and insurance hikes. One such client was charged with DWI despite the fact that he was merely sleeping in the driver’s seat of a parked car. We convinced the prosecutor to dismiss the case based on our position that he lacked an intent to drive. We pointed to the fact that the driver’s seat was fully reclined and that the vehicle’s engine was running solely to provide heat to the driver while he slept

Can you share the funniest or most interesting story that happened to you since you started your company?

Matt: Once Gwyneth Paltrow agreed to narrate “Man In Red Bandana”, I needed to speak with Welles’ parents to get their blessing. Not only were they ecstatic that a former Oscar winning actress would be the spokesperson for the film but also they explained that she coincidentally had a strong connection to their family. Specifically, Welles’ uncle introduced Gwyneth’s parents to one another! So crazy how the karma around this story is so strong.

Breaking the world record

What are your “3 things I wish someone told me before I Started to build ……… “ and why.

Matt: I wish someone told me the following:

1. There are many skills that are need to successfully operate a business. Rendering good service or selling a good product is just one of them. The other skills include marketing, salesmanship, culture-building, customer service, manager, financier. Don’t be fooled into thinking that being an expert in making a product or rendering a service is enough. Much more goes into entrepreneurship.

2. Develop a laser-focused niche. I previously ran a general practice that handle traffic tickets. After some years, I gave up the other areas of law to devote our team’s operations to vehicle and traffic law. Having this niche-focus was what has allowed to great. As Verne Harnish says: What term or phrase does your business own?. In our case, we own New York traffic ticket.

3. You are not pigeon-holed for life. Just because I’ve been a lawyer for 25+ years does not mean that I couldn’t pivot into a new profession. Relatively late in life, I have successfully transitioned from full time lawyer to a serial and award-winning filmmaker. Too many people get stuck in their established roles. I think that this is a mistake for people who have other passions which are not being pursued.

As someone that has his own share of software development success and failure that always wished I got great advise if given the opportunity Is there a person in the world, whom you would love to have advised you in this journey? and why? He or she might see this. :-)

Matt: Elon Musk. He has been successful in so many ventures and has risked that success in the process. He has amazing vision and executes on it.



Tomer Dicturel

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