Pushwave Open Beta Release!

We have exciting news!

Shae Moloney
Published in
3 min readDec 1, 2017


We at Pushwave have spent the past 6 weeks with our Alpha testers and are ready to move onto our next phase. First of all, huge shout out to everyone who signed up when we were just starting out (and still called Channel House), because without your support and ongoing interest we wouldn’t have gotten to where we are now. We appreciate you, the feedback you’re providing, and all those sweet, sweet inlays.

“So what’s Pushwave’s next phase??” I hear you all shout. We get it. We’re stoked too.

We are excited to announce that we’re moving into our OPEN BETA phase. You read that right: we’re opening Pushwave up to everybody. Since it’s still in its Beta phase, we’re hoping all you old and new users continue to send information to us about your experience.

We will continue to post information about our features, phase updates, and more on our blog as well as through our social media accounts. Expect us to ramp up with content soon, so if you haven’t followed us on Twitter or Instagram, now’s your chance:

Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Join Pushwave today!

Upcoming Featured Wave Blog Series

Many people signed up to become a Beta user in our early days. We will be featuring each one of those wonderful people in an upcoming weekly blog series, where we link their best Wave along with information about the curator.

Quick note on giving us your email address: We won’t send you spam or any b-side holiday e-cards (happy super belated Arbor day, by the way) and we absolutely will not share or sell your email information.

We want to bring you closer to high-quality videos, not bombard you with more unwanted content.

If you’re interested in making Waves before everybody else, be sure to head over to Pushwave.co and sign up for an account today!

Feel free to check out Pushwave’s splash page for feature information, and follow us on Twitter or Instagram for further updates, progress reports, and Pushwave-related news.

We look forward to seeing your Waves and watch as the Pushwave community grows.

If you want to explore the Pushwave platform before signing up, we recommend checking out these two popular Waves:

Feel free to browse the platform and watch unlimited, curated video channels — even without an account. Pushwave is completely free and usable whether or not you sign up.


The Pushwave Team (Kyle, Shae, and Jake)



Shae Moloney

Freelance content writer and editor with IT, technology, and marketing expertise. Co-founder of Pushwave. Published creative writer.