A Parade of Laughter and Smile

How to Find Patterns in Our Lives?

Dominik Formanowicz
Put It To Rest


Photo by Engin Akyurt: https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-knitted-textile-1487703/

How to find patterns? How to maintain patterns which make our lives better? How to shake off the patterns that destroy us, day after day, decade after decade, generation after generation?

My girlfriend says: “You are much better than me at seeing patterns”. I don’t know babe, I feel that I’m only good at seeing those that threaten me — which makes me very observant but also quite unbearable.

My father used to say: “You understand things so much deeper than I do”. There was no sadness in this statement. Even if a little bit of defeat, there was more pride to it.

Perhaps that’s the whole point of having children — the reassuring nature of the fact that even if you lose with them, you still win. When getting defeated, a part of you stays proud of their victory.

A perfect Taoist loop of recognition that everything won is lost and all that is lost is gained. What a profound pattern that is.

How to remain all those healthy patterns then? How to maintain all those routines of getting up at 7 am, doing yoga, eating healthy, thinking healthy, and acting in self-respectful, non-destructive ways?

How to make life stable when life is not just us; it’s a plethora of people, networks, and…



Dominik Formanowicz
Put It To Rest

Immigrant writer. Human geographer. In search for home.