Cabin Fever

The reason I feel so strange right now…

Zach Carpenter
Put It To Rest
Sep 27, 2021


Photo by Brandon Mowinkel on Unsplash

It must be cabin fever,
or something more serious.
The reason I feel so strange right now.

I almost understand the cats
and their language, as I watch them run
back and forth across the floor, chasing ghosts.

I need to get outside.
But it’s cold, dark, and windy out there,
and I’m feeling broke, but rich with excuses.

O where, O where did the day go?
The night is young, but I feel so old.
In here, anxiety lives and reigns with a vengeance.



Zach Carpenter
Put It To Rest

Railroader by day, writer by night. Spreading the word like a virus.