Call for Submissions (Poetry & Personal Essays on Mental Health)

Is your writing raw and vulnerable? Write for “Put It To Rest”

Lindsay Soberano Wilson
Put It To Rest


Do you have a story to tell that you need to put to rest?

Put It To Rest is a new publication accepting First-Person Stories OR Poetry about personal life experiences that have weighed on your mental health which you wish to explore through writing as a therapeutic endeavor.

House your work here to Put It To Rest.


Put It To Rest is looking for poetry that is moving, vulnerable, and “raw.”

Poems can tell a story or be more experimental and fragmented to form an impression.

The subject matter must pertain to mental health in some way.

The first poem published in Put It To Rest, I Call This Trauma by the editor, Lindsay Soberano-Wilson (originally published in FreshVoices22 by the Candian League of Poets), stands as a testament to the benefit of accepting, sitting with, moving through, eventually talking about, and then sharing trauma through…



Lindsay Soberano Wilson
Put It To Rest

Pushcart/Best of Net Nom I Cobalt Blues, Hoods of Motherhood & Casa de mi Corazon I Creator: Put It To Rest I Editor: iPoetry |