“Conscious Parenting” Is When I Connect With Myself To Connect With My Kids

Writing Prompt: Connect with yourself to connect with others

Lindsay Soberano Wilson
Put It To Rest


Photo by Jessica Rockowitz on Unsplash

“The truth about intimate relationships is that they can never be any better than our relationship with ourselves” — James Hollis

There’s so much about parenting that challenges everything you know about yourself. Becoming a mother is one of the greatest gifts, and yet, it’s also trying when understanding your own triggers and emotions.

One of my battles, especially as a woman, has been having my feelings validated. More recently, I learned how difficult it is to validate my feelings, and my children’s feelings, considering that I grew up with parents who struggled to validate their feelings since they were also raised this way.

In part, this is due to the intergenerational trauma I experienced as the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors. There were also factors, such as growing up with an authoritarian parenting approach, and deeply embedded patriarchal values.

Despite such challenges, I’ve found a home in the conscious parenting style. That’s why I strive to connect with myself so I can connect more authentically with others…



Lindsay Soberano Wilson
Put It To Rest

Pushcart/Best of Net Nom I Cobalt Blues, Hoods of Motherhood & Casa de mi Corazon I Creator: Put It To Rest I Editor: iPoetry |linktr.ee/LindsaySoberano_Wilson