Do You Have Any Scars?

There are many kinds of scars that we carry.

Melissa Steussy
Put It To Rest
Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2022


Photo by Fleur Kaan on Unsplash

Some are external and some are internal. Some are visible to others and some only to ourselves and those that know us intimately.

I have a few physical scars. There’s one on my face from the time I ran into a barbed-wire fence as a kid. The one on my left arm from when I got STUCK in a tanning bed and had to pry the heavy ass lid up so I could slide out and in the process cut my arm.

And then I have a couple of C-section scars that I wouldn’t trade for the world.

Many of us carry war wounds from childbirth and walk around with stretch marks that made us mothers.

My husband has a scar on his stomach from having an esophageal surgery as an infant and a scar on his face after having a mole removed which makes me think of the Austin Powers Movie where Fred Savage had the giant mole on his face-Moley, A-mole, MOOOLLLLE.

Physical scars are one thing. But what about our emotional scars? The ones just below the surface, where we were hurt by words or actions. Maybe we were physically hurt and the pain still exists even though there isn’t a physical representation of it anymore.



Melissa Steussy
Put It To Rest

26 years sober, health nut, supplement junkie, and all-around fantastic gal. Wrote a book called, Let Your Privates Breathe-Breaking the Cycle of Addiction....