
A poem which personifies fear, which only wants to be validated and understood.

Desiree Batiste
Put It To Rest


Photo by Melanie Wasser on Unsplash

We’re in this together
but you don’t see it that way
To you, I am just something uncomfortable
that needs to leave
The more you try to push me out the door
the more I strengthen my grip
and double down
I know I’m exhausted
this useless back and forth
You insisting I go
me insisting I am where I belong
You see, the problem is not me
it is how you see me
To you, I am an enemy
to be conquered
If you would only open your eyes
and see that I am a part of you
You will never be able to
get rid of me
All I need
all you need
is one simple embrace
from one another
Take me in your arms
so that I subside
Tell me that you understand
I am not trying to hurt you
I need reassurance too
how calm I feel now
You understand me
which is so disarming
I will keep my name the same
but it will stand for something more
Next time you think
that you may
Forget Everything And Run
just take a deep breath
and instead we’ll work together
to Face Everything And Rise

Desiree Batiste is the author of “The Shaping of a Diamond”, a self-published journey through surviving abuse, domestic violence and more told through poems, which is available for purchase on Amazon. Find her on Medium, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok or on her website. Desiree Batiste ©2023.



Desiree Batiste
Put It To Rest

Author of "The Shaping of a Diamond". She is a survivor of child abuse and domestic violence who is passionate about writing and currently lives in Buckeye, AZ.