Put It To Rest: Poetry Month Challenge

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A poem in which a spouse tries to help their significant other out of the throes of bipolar depression.

Desiree Batiste
Put It To Rest
Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2023


Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash

I used to brighten your day
Your face
I used to bring you happiness
which became my whole reason for living
Each day I tried to make just a little bit better
hoping that I could increase your bliss
and keep shining the light of love
into your heart

But my light no longer illuminates the darkness
I tried so hard to keep at bay
The darkness just absorbs my light
all that I have to give
while the blackness grows deeper
until it starts to turn my light grey
I keep trying to find the light
someone to shine light into me
to keep this darkness at bay

But there is no one to do that
It’s just you and me
In the dark
You don’t see me
Feel me

I still see in my mind the wonderful smile
I remember bringing to your face
Right now, memories are my only light
and I am praying their light is strong
enough to guide us out of here!

This is not where we want to be
Nothing can grow or flourish here
Take my hand
Turn around…
…follow me

Desiree Batiste is the author of “The Shaping of a Diamond”, a self-published journey through surviving abuse, domestic violence and more told through poems, which is available for purchase on Amazon. Find her on Medium, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok or on her website. Desiree Batiste ©2023.



Desiree Batiste
Put It To Rest

Author of "The Shaping of a Diamond". She is a survivor of child abuse and domestic violence who is passionate about writing and currently lives in Buckeye, AZ.