
My ink tells so many stories…

Desiree Batiste
Put It To Rest


Photo by Thomas Despeyroux on Unsplash

Both ankles tattooed
I mentioned getting another
He said my limit was three
but that rule just wasn’t me
Once I shed my toxic prison
I met the real me
She had scars that run deep
thanks to the abuse he perpetrated
I decided my outer wonder
needed to match my inner splendor

A rose garden of barbed wire
in remembrance that beauty is pain
A dagger which pierces the soul
like all the times I was stabbed
in the back by people
who were supposed to love me
The hourglass of life
trying to make dreams come true
before the clock strikes twelve
and mortality ends with the
last grain of sand

A heart with wings and a halo
demonstrating my love of heaven
A tribute to my dad
who passed away in 2000
A loud declaration of love
to my soulmate
A dragon, fierce but wise
blowing fire on a pure lotus
Trial by fire, let’s go!

My hands carry
the reminder to fear life
rather than death
to guarantee a pleasant afterlife
Gorgeous ankh with a
foreboding ouroboros
representing eternal life
Sleepy Pikachu
dreaming of my children
Alchemist magnesium symbol
representing perseverance

Pentacle formed
from sticks and leaves
giving me connection
to the 5 elements
and protection from evil
This was inside me all along
The things that make me
who I am

My body a canvas
a walking painting am I
making my statements
showing my scars in plain sight
He didn’t destroy me
and he never will
Protection from evil is real
He sees all my tattoos
and his face says
he would never want me back
The ink tells a powerful tale
The ink is magic
because survival runs
in my veins

Desiree Batiste is the author of “The Shaping of a Diamond”, a self-published journey through surviving abuse, domestic violence and more told through poems, which is available for purchase on Amazon. Find her on Medium, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok or on her website. Desiree Batiste ©2023.



Desiree Batiste
Put It To Rest

Author of "The Shaping of a Diamond". She is a survivor of child abuse and domestic violence who is passionate about writing and currently lives in Buckeye, AZ.