Let It Pass Through You

a poem

Lindsay Soberano Wilson
Put It To Rest
Published in
1 min readJan 9, 2023


Photo by Mika on Unsplash

Have you ever noticed
when you call out
the dysfunction
that’s mostly when
they want to quiet you
to quiet the dysfunction,
and so do you, you really do.

But that’s why
you had to name it,
say it, and breathe it,
so you can
let it pass through you.

It touched you
and left an imprint
but it isn’t you —
trauma healing is about
letting it move through you
and out of you.

This is mind-breaking
for those of us who ran
away to numb the pain
and ended up out of breath.

Then we named the dysfunction,
and they need to make you
become it, so you walk away,
as it passes through you,
and you leave it there at their feet.

Lindsay Soberano-Wilson is the creator of Put It To Rest. Her first full book of



Lindsay Soberano Wilson
Put It To Rest

Pushcart/Best of Net Nom I Cobalt Blues, Hoods of Motherhood & Casa de mi Corazon I Creator: Put It To Rest I Editor: iPoetry |linktr.ee/LindsaySoberano_Wilson