My Most Read Article Is About Sex at 12

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Melissa Steussy
Put It To Rest


Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash


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From 12 to my early adult years I didn’t know how to say no
When the guy from high school shoved my head down

I felt like I had no choice
When he laughed and told his friends

I scraped him with my teeth
I felt humiliated

If I was going to do it
While gagging and all

I at least want to be good at it
Or not

When the guys started to
Want more

No didn’t seem
Like something I could say

I wanted approval after all
I wanted them to talk about how

Hot I was in bed
But I was a child

This isn’t meant to be a
Sob story

It’s me as an adult
Wondering why I had no backbone

Why I’d felt like my body had no autonomy
Why I thought If I just stayed
Quiet it would be over soon



Melissa Steussy
Put It To Rest

26 years sober, health nut, supplement junkie, and all-around fantastic gal. Wrote a book called, Let Your Privates Breathe-Breaking the Cycle of Addiction....