My Pain is Real, and it is My Muse

Despite the fact that my pain remains hidden, it strangely serves as a source of inspiration for my creative pursuits. It has frequently acted as the catalyst for my most successful work.

Chris Patton
Put It To Rest


Photo Credit: Ahmed Ashhaadh — Unsplash

I find it difficult to conceal the profound sadness that is within me. Even when I put on a smile, the anguish never disappears. I make an effort to persevere, but it feels like I am drowning in my own tears. It’s as if I’m alive yet dying at the same time — a dichotomy. If only someone could see the true me beyond the façade of happiness I portray. But for now, I will continue wearing a mask, hoping the sorrow will eventually fade away.

I may appear calm on the outside, but you are not aware of the trauma that I have experienced. I may seem happy, but behind my smile are pain and tears. Although I express love, you cannot see the torment that I endure or all the sleepless nights that I have.

Disassociation is crippling. At times I feel as though I’m stuck to the ceiling, watching what the other body is going through. But that body happens to be the body I inhabited, but not really because I’m numb, and it seems like it’s happening to someone else. The noise in my ears is deafening, but there isn’t any noise to hear.



Chris Patton
Put It To Rest

I write authentically about my journey with PTSD so that others may benefit from my experience. I also write about love and longing.