

Chris Taylor
Put It To Rest
1 min readMay 18, 2024


Photo by Aidan B on Unsplash

i am your next sacrifice,
i can wash your feet,
can feed you the finest meat and rice,
tell you stories,
you as the hero,
me the villain who falls for you.

in your glass secluded house,
i sense exposure,
even when there’s no one here to see
as i tend to you,
poison in your bread,
lovingly baked from scratch, a little more each slice,

a high tolerance, so one day,
if i change my mind
and try to get rid of you, i can’t.
i wait with patience,
i’m not allowed to
make myself immune to sodium, suffocation, guns.

as much as i pray for life,
this is all i have,
i enjoy it until you get mad.
run a bubble bath,
you oversized child,
i’ll be here every day til you say it’s my last.

Chris Taylor is a young writer who creates poetry as a coping mechanism, sharing it as a way to connect with others. In their spare time, they enjoy spending time around dogs, family, and listening to electronic and alternative music.



Chris Taylor
Put It To Rest

Creator of poetry working on healing. active on twitter @christayl0r_