Where Are the Words?

This piece was extremely painful for me to write but it had to be done. It is short but it does not lack heart.

Chris Patton
Put It To Rest


Photo Credit: Author — The Sparty statue on the campus of Michigan State University has become a make-shift memorial.

On the night of February 13, 2023, a lone gunman entered the student union on the campus of Michigan State University and began firing on innocent students who were there studying. In total eight students were hit and seriously wounded. Three of the students later succumbed to their wounds and died.

Where am I to turn during a time like this, when I feel like I’m an alien living in this world? My feelings and emotions are beyond what others can comprehend. The next day I spoke about it with a dear friend who also was affected by this tragedy. He said to me “I just don’t have the words at this point.” I understand. I told him he doesn’t need to feel bad for not being able to find the words. I may never have the words to describe my traumatic experiences. There are things I wish I could say but I can’t. There are things I need to say but I don’t know how.

However, I have tried to talk about it with friends, family, and professionals alike. Perhaps I don’t have the ability to properly articulate how this tragedy caused me to be inundated with all the terrible emotions and feelings I experienced from my involvement in a similar tragedy that happened in 2004. But there are…



Chris Patton
Put It To Rest

I write authentically about my journey with PTSD so that others may benefit from my experience. I also write about love and longing.