Import Imagery, Custom Setbacks, PVCAD, oh my

New features include:

2 min readOct 18, 2017


Import satellite imagery
A faster way to design
Custom setbacks by edge
General fixes and stability upgrades

Import satellite imagery

This exciting new feature allows PVCAD to import PVSketch satellite imagery as a layer. No need to search for additional imagery when you can import it directly from PVSketch

A faster way to design

Add panel by cursor allows you to drag and drop panels into a design. Updates to the software removes concerns about duplicating modules.

Custom setbacks by edge

Custom setbacks available for every roof edge. Residential designers, we’ve heard your feedback and it’s here.

If you haven’t tried the first and only CAD for solar, it’s here. Built on Autodesk technology, a single download gets you everything you need.

Download PVCAD Bundle (no separate AutoCAD required)

