How PSU is responding.

Providence Student Union
2 min readNov 10, 2016

Yesterday, our office was busier than usual. There was crying. There was anger. There was disgust. Regardless of your personal opinion on the election, the fact is that many young people feel heartbroken, afraid, and/or rejected.

We need to act. Here is what Providence Student Union is doing:

  1. Mutual support. Young people need to feel supported and protected. PSU is helping students to work through trauma and giving them tools for their own self-defense.
  2. Emergency civic education. We are learning together about the structure of the Federal Government and the powers of the Presidency.
  3. Knowing our rights. PSU’s youth leaders are learning their rights and re-defining what they deserve in their schools. By broadly educating their peers, students will feel more protected and empowered
  4. Organizing. PSU’s regular work to build student power continues, with even greater resolve.

Our first concrete step is a youth-only citywide meeting tomorrow, 11/11, to comfort each other, learn, and discuss next steps. Please email if you have any contacts working with middle and high school-age youth in the Providence area; we will get you the event info.

In addition, many students watching the narrative online, in the news, and in social media are feeling abandoned.

Students need to know you are with them. Leave a comment for PSU’s young leaders by clicking below:

Send your support to PSU’s young leaders.

Or, send a supportive tweet with the hashtag #standwithyouth.

We’ll share the comments with our student leaders. Knowing you stand with them will keep students going.

Young people are reading social media carefully, and many messages they see fill them with fear and/or disgust. Will you let students know you have their back? Click here to leave a supportive comment for our youth leaders.

Although the context has changed, PSU’s commitment to building student power to ensure young people a fair say in improving their education has not. We will keep going, harder than ever.

And it means so much to have you standing with us.


Providence Student Union

P.S.: Really, it would mean a lot to PSU’s student leaders to hear from you. Encourage your friends to send good vibes by commenting and sharing here.

