PSU August Update

Providence Student Union
3 min readAug 5, 2016


School begins September 6! Here’s how PSU is building student power to get ready for another big year:

  • Presenting at the 2016 Youth Leadership Institute
  • Building community in the PSU / EJL Summer Program
  • Contribute to PSU’s Wall of Activists! ✊
Planning to facilitate our big workshop!

Presenting at the 2016 Youth Leadership Institute

Next week, PSU students will head to a big big conference of youth leaders and organizers from across the region to share strategies for how to make education about students.

The conference is at UMass Amherst this year, so the 8-person PSU team will experience staying in dorms and visiting an awesome college!

Most of all, this year, we’re not just going—we’re presenting! Joy, Lee, Yanine, and Cheikh (PSU alum) will be co-facilitating a training on “Youth Political Power”. We’re so excited to share our change-making strategies with students and educators from across New England! ✊

Learning about institutional racism at DARE.

PSU Summer Program with Environmental Justice League of RI

We’re just over halfway through our summer program! PSU’s partnered with the Environmental Justice League of Rhode Island and Youth Pride, Inc. for our best summer yet.

Three days per week, about 25 students meet up for leadership development trainings, consciousness-raising workshops, and community-building activities.

For example, students next week will:

  • Discuss social movements and the role of the media 📰
  • Train with the environmental justice organization FANG 🌳 ✊
  • Chill at Wheeler Beach 🏖
  • Chow down on delicious chicken and mac and cheese 🍗 🧀 😮

Follow PSU on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with the fun!

Draft bio for Fred Hampton

PSU’s new “Wall of Activists”

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day work and forget that PSU’s campaigns and leadership trainings are part of a longstanding tradition of organizing and movement-building.

You can help us take take a small — but cool — step to fix this: PSU is seeking recommendations of activists, educators, organizers, and revolutionaries to add to our wall. We’ll print out a photo and bio for them. Eventually, we’ll have tons of inspiration for our work!

Even more exciting: PSU members and alumni will also be added to the wall, to show that the movement continues in real-time.

You can pitch in: suggest an activist for our wall!

That’s all for August. Keep in touch on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

Your friends at PSU

