PSU July Update

Providence Student Union
2 min readJul 8, 2016


We want you to know all the latest updates! Here’s how PSU is building student power this month:

  • Save our Schools Rally in DC!
  • Summer program for 30 students
  • Ethnic Studies campaign progress
  • We had a 🍔 BBQ! 🌭

Save our Schools Rally in Washington, DC!

Eight students and staff from PSU left early this morning (at midnight!) on a bus for the Capitol. They’re joining the annual Save our Schools rally! Follow all the updates live on our Facebook page.

Summer Program 2016!

Next week marks the beginning of our 2016 summer freedom school. This year, we’re teaming up with the Environmental Justice League to train 30 new young leaders in organizing, build leadership skills, and deepen students’ understanding of how issues like environmental racism impact our community. More to come!

Joy and Lee are leading PSU’s campaign for Ethnic Studies courses

This month, Joy (left), Lee (center) and PSU members led a retreat for Providence Schools staff and community. The goal? Outline the curriculum for our Ethnic Studies course!

With your support, PSU and Providence schools are on track to offer Ethnic Studies in 6 schools next year!

Let Joy and Lee know you have their backs: Click here to tell Providence: “We need Ethnic Studies!”

We had a BBQ! 🔥

Last week, the PSU team celebrated the summer with burgers 🍔 , watermelon 🍉 , and hot dogs 🌭 in the park!

Want to know about events like our BBQ? Join the PSU Action Network on Facebook!

That’s all for July. Keep in touch on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

Your friends at PSU

