10 Natural Memory Enhancing Techniques

Physics Wallah
Published in
6 min readMay 31, 2022

It may happen to you when you are about to go, you forget your keys, or you are ready for the test, but suddenly you find that information is blanking out of your mind. Forgetfulness is common or not. If yes, what is Alziemhers disease, and why is it so feared among people.


Don’t worry; forgetfulness is ordinary at every age, especially when life gets busy, but there are many ways through which you can enhance your memory. Researchers find that we can improve our memory through specific changes in our lifestyle.

Factors Affecting Memory and Cause Forgetfulness

There are plenty of factors that you consume in your daily life to affect your memory. The following are some of the significant factors that are affecting memory.

  • Lack of Sleep
  • Stress and Excessive Anxiety Consumption of Alcohol
  • Highly Inflammatory Foods
  • Deficiency of Vitamin B12
  • Poor Diet
  • Improper Medication
  • Thyroid Disorder

14 Ways to Boost your Memory

  • Take Enough Sleep
via-canva maitri

Lack of sleep can negatively impact your brain function and associate your body with different malfunctions. According to researchers, sleep deprivation can cause adverse effects on your brain and would likely fall into the pit of poor memory function.

Sleep plays an essential role in the consolidation of memory and improves the brain’s cognitive function. Getting proper sleep can improve the various factors that affect your brain like it strengthens the short term memory and transforms it into the long term memory. So everyone needs to get at least 7–8 hours of sleep to boost the memory function.

  • Eat Less Sugar

Eating much sugar can cause cognitive decline and leads to many chronicle health disease. Apart from mental issues consuming sugar can cause obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Researchers found that those whose sugar intake is excessive have lower cognitive volume than those whose sugar consumption is low. Eat added sugar as low as possible. Add jaggery to your diet. It is a rich energy source and prevents your body from various chronic diseases. Women can eat this during their menstrual pain.

  • Healthy Nutrition

What if I tell you to fill kerosene in your petrol bike and drive every day. It will run, but after a couple of days, you will find that the optimum results you were used to starting decline, and the engine will stop working one day. We are also like machines; what we are feeding to our bodies will reflect the same result. An improper diet can cause inappropriate effects on your body.

Poor nutrition can cause a malfunction in memory function and lead to different memory diseases like short-term memory, Dementia, etc. Take a proper diet and supplement, eat healthy foods, and try to eat raw vegetables to enhance your memory power.

Add fish, blueberries, coffee, turmeric, broccoli, dark chocolates, pumpkin seeds, eggs, oranges, etc., into your diet to boost your memory.

  • Solve Puzzles And Calculations

Engage yourself with different mind games like solving puzzles or doing calculations that positively affect cognitive skills. Researchers have proven that those who engage themselves with different types of mind games have a more creative mind.


You can try solving puzzles or practicing calculations in your mind. You can use various short tips for the fast calculation to boost your memory.

  • Meditation

Meditation is one of the best natural ways to enhance your memory power. Meditation has been of great importance in our Indian culture for a long time. According to Ayurveda, practicing meditation helps increase gray matter in the brain; these gray matters consist of various neuron cells body, improving overall brain function.

Meditation enhances your ability to remain more relaxing and calming in a different, worse situation. It increases your problem-solving increase and makes your brain function smoothly.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise is very beneficially for physical as well as mental health. Exercise does not mean that you have necessarily go to the gym. Any material or mental activity that keeps you healthy is exercise. Yoga, sports, gym, running, playing outdoor games, dancing, etc., help your body maintain physical and mental wellness.

Many studies and research revealed that doing regular exercise secretes neuroprotective proteins that help in the overall growth and development of neurons which help to increase in the better brain function.

  • Moderate Alcohol Consumption

A study was held by the researchers on 155 college students who revealed that students who used binge drinking for a short period have low memorizing power compared to those who don’t have any alcohol intake.Doctors suggest moderate one or two drinks are OK for your health, but you don’t need to drink if you have never touched alcohol. So it is better to avoid binge drinking.

  • Don’t Try to Cram Things

This is more common in students. Most students avoid understanding the concept rather than prefer rote learning; later, they pay for it by getting lower marks in the examination. This is mostly happening with students preparing for competitive examinations like JEE, NEET, UPSC, GATE, CAT, etc.

According to researchers and memory experts, understanding the concepts and implementing them in practical solutions stimulate neuron function and help in the development of better cognitive skills.

  • Use Mnemonic Techniques

Using mnemonic techniques help you to remember anything you want to learn. In this technique, you associate the thing you want to learn with the objects or situation or something that has been already saved in your permanent memory.This is a scientifically proven learning technique that boosts recognizing the brain’s power.

  • Change the Pattern of Lifestyle

Do not follow the same routine. Start observing your environment and surroundings and try to associate objects around you with something. If you are a student, try different things, e.g., change your study routine, change your place regularly, use mind mapping techniques, use flashcards, and solve different aptitude problems regularly. Watch videos on how to solve aptitude questions faster.


Try these proven natural techniques to enhance your memory power. These techniques are beneficial for all ages, especially for students who have low cognitive skills and have a habit of forgetting everything. We have also shared the fun and delicious wat to boost your memory like playing brain games, calculation games(that sharpen your mathematic skill), eating habits, etc.

These naturally baked techniques improve your brain function and enhance your recognizing power. I hope you love this blog; if you still have any queries, then comment below.



Physics Wallah

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