The Morning After The Election

Tim Ryan
2 min readNov 10, 2016

Yesterday, as we all absorbed the results of this week’s presidential election, it was evident that most of us were shocked by the results, and felt passionately, whether celebrating a win or despondent over a loss. As my PwC colleagues were logging on or coming into work with the election results weighing heavily on their minds, I sent them a note and a short video.

I’m sharing this with you today in the hopes that perhaps this will spur others to listen, empathize and move forward.

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After a late night for many of us, our country has a new president and Congress. However you voted, I think we all share a hope that with the election complete, our leaders across both parties will come together and focus their collective energy on the big issues facing our nation.

The outcome of this election signals change. We know our clients will be thinking about what this might mean for their businesses. We’re already thinking about that as well, and later today you’ll receive a special edition of PwC News. This special edition will include resources to help us begin to have conversations — as xLoS teams — about potential changes and the questions our clients may have going forward.

As we talked about recently during our Town Hall, the trends shaping our world mean we can help and we can have an impact. Let’s discuss, have a point of view, and then go talk to our clients. Working together, we can add value for them — whether bringing insight to the audit or helping our non-audit clients consider potential issues and opportunities.

Let me add one more request. This has been a long and hard fought campaign, and a very emotional one for many. At a time when it’s easy to focus on our differences, let’s remember and act from our values — something we all share in common. Take care with each other, listen to each other and be thoughtful about the discussions we have with our teams and our clients.

As I said at the Town Hall, I have never been more excited about the opportunities we have as a firm. Our world is complex and trust is at a premium. This means there is more opportunity for us to have an impact and grow as individuals and an organization. Together we can make a difference with our clients, communities, and each other.



Tim Ryan

PwC US Chairman and Senior Partner. Father of six great kids; marathon runner; hockey fan for life. Boston is home. Views are my own.