Board Waives County Fees for Concealed Handgun Permits

Prince William County
Prince William County
1 min readFeb 23, 2016

PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA…On Tuesday, Feb. 23, the Prince William Board of County Supervisors passed a resolution making Prince William County the first locality in the Commonwealth to waive the county cost for processing concealed handgun permits. Individuals seeking to obtain a concealed handgun permit will still be required to pay the State fee of $15 ($5 for the State Police and $10 for the Clerk of the Circuit Court).

“The right to carry a handgun, whether openly or concealed, is clearly granted to every US Citizen through the Second Amendment,” said Corey Stewart, Chairman of the Board of County Supervisors. “So, here in Prince William County, we will no longer be charging people to exercise that right, and we hope the State and other local governments will follow our lead and find other means to generate revenue that do not impose upon the people’s right to bear arms.”

The adopted resolution goes into effect immediately, and all other provisions and non-county fees associated with obtaining a concealed handgun permit remain. For more information on concealed handgun permits, please visit the Clerk of the Court website at

