Should the Definition of a Hacker be changed?

XQ Cyber
Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2018

The Cambridge dictionary defines a hacker as; ‘a person who is skilled in the use of computer systems, often one who illegally obtains access to private computer systems’, and campaigners are calling for a change.

Their main issue? The use of the word ‘illegally’and how it denotes a negative sterotype.

Not all hackers operate outside of the law. White hat hackers for example often work for cybersecurity companies and use their skills to protect organisations and counter the threats posed by more nefarious hackers.

The urge to alter the definition has come from a global community of self proclaimed ‘compassionate hackers’ who aim to make the world a better place (they sound like the specialists at XQ!). It’s a goal that we can get behind as our own mission is to make our customers’ digital lives better by helping them mitigate technology risk, innovate faster and ultimately thrive in the information age.

Do you agree that the definition needs to be changed? Let us know in the comments.

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XQ Cyber

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