8 stackoverflow threads to read for deeper understanding of Python

Ankit Mittal
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2016

Stackoverflow is a great resource for beginners of programming. But what is underestimated is, the quality content on the site for intermediate programmers. Here I list down few suchquestions, which have helped me immensely in advancing my python learning journey beyond the basics.

  1. Except:pass — Catching any exception and not doing anything, is used as an escape mechanism when you dont know how your try: block will work. However, any experienced pythonista will get irritated on seeing it. Delve deeper into this stackoverflow thread to know so.
  2. Super() in multiple inheritance — Understadning the behaviour of super is straight forward in case of single inheritance. Since python is one of those languages that support multiple inheritance, the world of Super() gets a bit murky.
  3. Demystifying decorators — Decorators are immensely useful for adding common functionality to functions. Read this thread thoroughly to know what lies beyond simple and straight forward uses of decorators.
  4. Understanding selfexplicit is better than implicit. An explicit self doesnt feature in any of the other OOP languages.
  5. Mutable default argument — This is one of the places where every python beginner gets stumped, twice.
  6. *, ** unpacking operators — Although much of the functionality is new in python3.5. * and ** have been there since python2 inside function arguments.
  7. MetaClasses — Just like objects are instances of classes, classes are themselves first class objects, ie instances of special set of classes called metaclass.
  8. Single and double underscores in naming — Also called dunder, double underscores as prefix and suffix have special meaning in python. e.g. __init__, __str__, unlike single underscore as prefix like _pvt_var, which is a signal for private-ness of the name/method.

