My development Environment

Ankit Mittal
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2016

I work at UpGrad, an ed-tech company working on empowering every individual to their full professional potential. My main techstack here is python 3.5, Django 1.9 and some number crunching using numpy.

For the development hardware : I mainly use my work laptop which is a macbook pro-retine. For my personal projects I have a mac mini at home.


Shell: ZSH with Oh-my-zsh activated. I am actively using these pluigns — git, git-flow, brew, github, zsh-completions, zsh-syntax-highlighting, common-aliases, sublime, web-search, history-substring-search. Auto completion and color highlighting in commands itself is enough benefit of using zsh.

Editor: VIM. I have been using VIM for almost 4 years now and .vimrc is highly customized. I use tmux for terminal management as vim and tmux play nicely together. This is my .vimrc. I have tried switching to pycharm and sublime sometime back but somehow I end up returning back to trusted old vim.

When not doing web development work, Jupyter notebook is a great environment to work with ad hoc scripts as well as number crunching.

A nice, and comfortable development environment can increase you productivity by many folds. Keep iterating, removing bottlenecks and automate grunt work

Some non dev related tools :

For communication, we are using slack at work. Also I have a personal slack team which me and some of my friends are using to share what we learned on machine learning. It is sort of a tight-knit community focuessed on self paced learning in Data Science.

For all the notes, I am using Microsoft Onenote. It has decent web client as well as desktop clients.

