You are not doing microservices correctly if

Ankit Mittal
Published in
1 min readFeb 5, 2018
  • You share databases
  • You share caches and other ‘stateful’ stores
  • You cannot deploy as single microservice without touching others
  • You cannot update schema of one of the services without causing problems in others
  • You differentiate between third party services and services of other teams
  • You split out new services without a solid business or technology reasoning. (monoliths are bad is not acceptable)
  • You do not have a well defined and written service boundary for all the microservices
  • You cannot debug and test single microservice
  • The Default method (most used) for inter-service communication is http

There will be times when the urges to stomp on any of these strict rules with be very strong, be mindful of the fact that There be dragons on the way.

