Announcing PyBay’s Scholarships Program

Published in
1 min readJul 2, 2017

In the spirit of increasing the Python community’s inclusivity and diversity, PyBay is pleased to announce this year’s conference scholarships. Our scholarships are designed to support members of our community for whom attending PyBay would present a financial challenge. This year, our focus is on assisting applicants who will diversify our attendee group, or who have made an extraordinary effort to improve Python or our community.

We’re grateful that last year’s four Scholarship Partners enabled 11 of the 90+ scholarship applicants to attend PyBay. Please consider adding your or your company’s name to our list of PyBay Sponsors and providing additional community support by becoming a Scholarship Partner. Thanks in advance for your interest in supporting our local Python community!

If you’d like to explore applying for a scholarship, more information and our application is here.

If you’d like to provide a scholarship and help strengthen the Python ecosystem in San Francisco / Bay Area, visit our sponsor prospectus for more information.

We look forward to seeing you at PyBay August 11–13!

