Meet Joe Cabrera: High-Performance Python Microservice Communication

Ben Hancock
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2018

This post is part of a series introducing the speakers at the PyBay2018 conference in San Francisco later this month. It’s a great chance to learn and connect with an engaged and diverse community of Python developers. We hope you’ll join us!

Joe Cabrera

What are you going to be speaking about at PyBay2018, and why are you excited to give this talk?

Hi! I’m Joe Cabrera and I’m going to be speaking about “High-Performance Python Microservice Communication” at PyBay this year. I’ll be teaching you how to build high-performance microservice communication in Python. I’m eager to show attendees tips and tricks I’ve learned while building microservice layers in Python. I’ll discuss some of the trade-offs to different designs for your microservice communication layer. I hope this talk gets you excited about building your next microservices in Python.

How did you get into programming and Python?

Growing up I had an after school babysitter who would come over and show me how to write simple bash scripts for DOS-based machines. After that brief introduction, I started creating assembly programs for my TI-83 Plus calculator. Then in high school, I took my first AP Computer Science class in Java and shortly afterwards started my Computer Science degree at Texas A&M University. My junior year in college I took a class in Information Retrieval class that introduced me to the Python language and I’ve been hooked ever since.

What’s your favorite Python library (core or third-party), and why?

My favorite python library is Requests. It allows you to make HTTP requests. It’s my favorite library because it’s very user-friendly and it’s API is well designed and extensible. Good API design can be hard to get right but can make a night-and-day difference as a developer.

What can you be found doing when you’re not writing code?

When I’m not programming, I can be found practicing or performing with my rock band Moist Ahoy. My father was a drummer so music is something that has always come naturally for me. I think music is my passion, so I always joke that I started programming initial out of intellectual curiosity but then realized it also could pay the bills.

What’s the best advice you’ve received as a Python developer?

Anyone can bang out code in a few days, but an experienced developer needs to think about how his code will run in production. It’s important to think about what’s actually happening with your code a few levels down. You need to think how your code will go to the compiler and from the compiler to memory.

Subscribe to catch more interviews with the PyBay2018 speakers! If you haven’t already, make sure to get your pass and sign up for some workshops, too.



Ben Hancock
Editor for

Data journalist and Python programmer. Linux enthusiast. SF Python volunteer.