PyBay2020 aims to be an online conference that’s educational, inspiring, and SOCIAL — will we succeed?

Published in
4 min readJul 7, 2020

With more people suffering from prolonged social isolation, my attention has turned to creating the best possible virtual conference for Pythonistas in the San Francisco Bay Area and around the world.

It’s going to be a weekend that’s educational, inspiring, and social! My vision will allow developers to chat in-depth with speakers and luminaries more than at an in-person conference. It will have more forums for devs and exhibitors to share their passion with liked-minded people or even mentor others. It will be an excuse for us to reconnect with folks we haven’t seen for a while. It will let you meet great people and be reminded that there is so much good on this planet. It will celebrate the work folks have done to ease the effect of Covid-19. It will raise money for charitable organizations. It will be all that you don’t even know you’re missing right now. And it’s going to happen on August 14–16, 2020, wherever you can find a good internet connection!

It’s a tall order — can we collectively make it happen? I think we can! We’ve done some heavy lifting on our end to find the right virtual platform for Will you play a part in re-inventing the way Pythonistas get together and collaborate in this new era?

Step 1: Submit your Talk Proposals

25-40 minute talks: Proposals due by July 14
5-minute lightning talks:
Proposals due by August 5

As usual, we want talks in:

  • ML, AI, and data
  • Scale and performance
  • Devops, automation and testing
  • Web and IoT
  • Fundamentals and Python libraries
  • People and project management

Since this is a special year, we are also reserving some talk slots to highlight and celebrate “Covid-19 backline heroes.” For example, projects to manage server loads, data analysis, projects to make PPEs, or new platforms that help match farmers to consumers… basically, if you have leveraged or built new technologies using Python that help ease the effects of the pandemic, we want to feature you!

Call for speakers

If you already have a Sessionize account, it’s a breeze. Otherwise, create an account in just a few minutes and submit your ideas here!

We aim to let you know via Sessionize about your main talk proposal by the third week of July and your lightning talk proposal closer to the conference date.

Step 2: Save the date and invite your friends

Covid-19 is not going away anytime soon, at least in the U.S. Stress and anxiety is mounting for many. Community and connection with people are more important than ever to maintain mental health.

Use PyBay as an excuse to reconnect with people — your colleagues, former coworkers, classmates, folks you’ve met in conferences or meetups. Perhaps folks who have helped you out?

Leverage the social features in our virtual platform to catch up, check in, have a mini-reunion between talks. If you feel inspired, attend the next talk or speaker fireside chat with your buddies. Or, ditch the schedule program to sprint on a project together, start a meetup within PyBay, or just play some music together.

Treasure your connections on August 14–16 (third weekend in August). And as always, the talk recordings will be available for you to dive into anytime after the conference.

Registration will open in late July.

Step 3: Invite your company to be a sponsor

If your company is interested in promoting its tools and technologies to developers, networking with potential hires (a majority of attendees are mid/senior-level programmers), or cultivating a positive image in the Python community, please let your Events team know that PyBay has an amazing online platform that enables your company to:

  • Feature promo videos
  • Offer swag
  • Interact with attendees at their digital booth to do tech demos and informational interviews
  • Sponsor a workshop
  • And more

Here is the prospectus package at a glance, with more info on

Sponsor prospectus

You can also make a donation as an individual here.

Step 4: Subscribe to get updates

Follow Pybay here on Medium to get updates, and follow us on Twitter .

Let’s connect soon and reinvent the way Python developers get together and collaborate in this new era!

Yours truly,
Grace Law
PyBay conference chair and SF Python meetup founder

