Shiny *New* Curriculum

Meenal Pant
Published in
1 min readMay 30, 2018

Pykids curriculum is getting a makeover! The curriculum is now designed into Beginner and Advanced notebooks. More examples and fun recipes are being added. We have also moved to using Azure Notebooks , which are easy to use , share and work with github!


Beginner topics cover the fundamentals of Python ( datatypes, strings, loops) with examples aligned with the K 5–8 math curriculum , for e.g. multiplication of tables with and without a for loop , algebra word problems, creating a grade report card. The notebooks can be found here:

Student Contribution

A student created a “recipe” for creating madlibs with simple string substitution . This recipe made it to the curriculum and was presented at PyCon 2018 Edu summit (starts at 8:04) !!


Advanced topics include functions , creating python scripts with examples aligned from K 8 -12 curriculum e.g. Multiplication table using functions, simple physics equations e.g. Speed = Distance/Time, Creating simple madlibs game —

Currently students are working on generating different madlibs using a function with different inputs and randomly chosen madlib content for output

In the works…

  • Simple statistics with google spreadsheets
  • Working with micro-controllers

