pykids workshop @Pybay 2017

Meenal Pant
Published in
1 min readAug 20, 2017

pykids conducted a workshop for children 11 and above at PyBay 2017 on August 12th , 2017.

The workshop introduced the children to programming , how to use Jupyter notebooks and then went over the pykids curriculum step by step.

Children learn to use basic concepts of printing statements, doing simple math with “simple calculator” touching on math topics they learn at school like PEMDAS.

The fun part was doing math with strings though

print(50 * “lol”)

was a hit!.

We then ventured into loops and used the example of multiplication tables to co-relate how repetitive work and be minimized using loops. Children learnt the syntax of “for” and “range” and learnt how to use help() on jupyter notebooks.

The class went on to ipythonblocks and the ideas of grid and colored grid squares. Children were soon able to pick out squares based on grid coordinates and color them at will!

Finally we built a chessboard by picking out squares and coloring them — but at the same time realizing that all this work is easily done when using loops!

The icing on the cake was a hands on application of loops and colors on the sphero robotic ball that was demonstrated by another PyBay attendee — Daniel Mizyrycki.

Checkout some pictures here .

Note: Pictures of attendees are not included to maintain privacy

