Introducing Pylon Board

Pylon Protocol
Pylon Protocol
Published in
2 min readFeb 15, 2022

First ideated in a Pylon Forum post by laine_ust, Pylon Board is the first community fund grant project to cover data analytics for Pylon Gateway launches, wallet distributions in pools, and $MINE governance staking.

Users can connect with Terra Station for an overview of all project pool deposits on Pylon Gateway alongside vesting periods, pending rewards, and reward claimable dates.

Users can click on a specific Gateway Pools card to see previous transaction and engagement history with each pool, including deposits and claims.

Users can also check under the “Overview” section to see overall Gateway Pool statistics and growth metrics.

To date, over $273.31M UST has been locked across 12 Pylon Pool projects, with over $30.1M UST in deposits over the past 30 days.

The section “Arbitrage” shows potential arbitrage opportunities for Liquid Pylon Pools. A value of 0.95 means a 5% discount on UST.

Forthcoming versions of Pylon Board will include airdrops displays and total value locked metrics on the forthcoming Pylon Funds.

Gateway Fund I ($GFI) will be launching in February (date TBA) alongside other DAOs and Guilds preparing to launch as Pylon Funds.

Keep posted to deposit $UST and burn $MINE.

