Pynk Progress Update

Rupert Barksfield
Published in
3 min readMay 10, 2019

Rupert Barksfield | COO/Co-founder

Wow! It’s been an intense few months here at Pynk since our last Progress Update. I’m pleased to say that all that hard work is starting to pay off.

We’re performing well against the KPIs. The Proof of Concept fund is well in to double digit growth. I wish I could share more detail on the performance but unfortunately that’s confidential at this stage. Our beta product build is coming along nicely and everyone is excited to see the first release a few weeks from now. Our Crowd of Pynksters that feed price prediction data into our AI, Rose, is now more than 1,100 and growing at 12% per week. We are capping the Crowd at 10k globally, so if you haven’t signed up yet — I strongly suggest you do here! Business development and investor relations are coming along too and the Pynk machine is speeding towards a fully functional launch!.

Last week we had our monthly investor review session. As with all startups, we are incredibly grateful to our investors. Not only because of their financial investment into the company, but for the investment in time and advice that each contributes. Our investors and advisors bring many years experience working with tech startups. That’s a conscious decision on our part, we don’t take investor money from anyone. Their experience and diversity brings new perspectives to the table, and as we well know from our understanding of ‘Wisdom of Crowds’ (Woc), diversity of opinions is key.

PYNK board with Investors

For any other budding entrepreneurs reading this, my advice is to pay due attention to investor review sessions and never under-estimate their importance. We make sure to prepare well in advance so we can communicate key information as clearly and as concisely as possible, which in turn triggers the right discussions. We prepare pre-reads and send out 2 days in advance. This gives our investors the time to digest, prepare questions and come armed with suggestions and solutions.

In addition to our lead investor Loyal VC from Canada, we had investors dialling in from Italy along with Virgilius Wealth owner Gianluca Guerra who joined us in person to meet the rest of the team for the first time. Importantly, we made time to go for dinner — a fitting end to a very productive day.

Saluti!! Team Pynk, Investors and Advisors.

Finally a big thank you to Natwest!! As you may be aware, Pynk is taking part in their fin-tech accelerator and we are now based in their offices in Angel, London. This is a big step forward for our company as it gives more opportunities to have those all important discussions. Below are a few snaps we grabbed during the day, with Maria, Philip, Zack and Pynk CEO Seth Ward.

Zack, Seth and Philip

If you want to find out more about Pynk slide into our Telegram group, or join us on Facebook or Twitter. And if any of you Pynksters out there are passing through Angel, give us a shout and we’ll grab a coffee!!

Rupert Barksfield


Disclaimer: Please bear in mind that this information does not constitute any form of advice or recommendation by Pynk One Ltd. and is not intended to be relied upon by users in making (or refraining from making) any investment decisions. Appropriate independent advice should be obtained before making any such decision. When investing, your capital is at risk and you may recover less than the initial investment.



Rupert Barksfield
Writer for

Founder | Father | Advisor | Speaker | Investor | Pynk.Io, Crypto & Blockchain