PYNK TANK LIVE #1— “When good people get together, great things happen”

Mark L
Published in
4 min readJun 21, 2019

Mark L | CMO/co-founder


After many weeks of prep and a few late night rehearsals we launched our first ever PYNK TANK LIVE show - and what a show it was!!

We were pleasantly surprised by the responses we received afterwards from those in the audience, and from our Pynkster community across the globe who watched from our Facebook Group livestream.


Between our team at Pynk HQ — we’ve been to almost every tech meet up in London over the past 2 years, and felt that we had a message the world wants to hear. That message is technology for good. We live in times of rapid change across business, technology, economics, finance, politics and the environment. Pynk Tank is a platform for thought leaders to come together, share their stories and challenge the Status Quo. We’re creating a movement that empowers the Pynkster community to support the projects that they want to see succeed, the projects that will shape a better future for all.

Hosts from Team Pynk Jason (far left) and Ru (far right) with our first Pynk Tank Panel on ‘social good’

Our first show focussed specifically on the theme of ‘social good’ and the discussion was intriguing and expansive. The show went on longer than expected (almost 2 hours!) but never once lost the interest of the audience. A credit to each of our panelists.

So you can get a flavour of the discussion, below I their introductions (in sitting order from left to right) — make sure to watch the full show as these are only scraping the surface!

Areiel Wolanow (Managing Director, Finserv Experts)

“We’ve been working in Africa the last five years, in South Sudan primarily, which is an extremely challenged environment where human suffering is extremely high. But what we’ve been finding is that there are people who are interested in supporting commercial ventures there. And if we can find alignment to evince positive outcomes in what is necessary for sustainable development goals, then we’re actually meeting our objectives. So that’s what Thrive is based on. It’s a vertically and horizontally connected opportunity to serve a lot of SDGs based in an intentional community around agriculture and distribution.”

Morgan Boardman (Chairman of Strategic Advisory Board, Thrive)

“I’m here tonight representing Thrive International a program which, basically, what we are is a commercially minded, social enterprise on a large scale. Many years ago, I came to this idea. I thought, “Okay, you know, I’m successful as a fixer and turning around challenge propositions in the commercial space, but I also spend about half of my time committed to propositions which are nonprofit.” I thought “Why can’t we find a better synergy to meet them both?”

Dr Natalie Pankova (COO, Metaadvice)

“I am a medical researcher by training. I specialized in ophthalmology and inflammatory disease and then moved into working in biotech and healthtech startups back in Canada. Moved over to the UK almost two years ago now and I started kind of in this blockchain space when it was really taking off in healthcare specifically. Last year I was operating a blockchain genomics startup, so sharing genomic data using a blockchain based platform. Now recently, I’ve joined Metadvice. Metadvice is developing a AI base. It’s a clinical decisions support tool, so for clinicians and health systems to use our artificial intelligence to mine the literature but also available patient data, to allow it to come to a better, much more effective, more efficient clinical decision. We’re using blockchain as kind of a backbone to secure patient data and allow them to provide access to their data.”

Duncan Murray (MD, Dust Aid)

“(What) We’re aiming to do is collect small amounts of cryptocurrency from exchanges and platforms and aggregate it together. We plan to change the way small projects are funded globally by giving the projects this money transparently and directly, and in turn they will have to prove how they’d spend the money and the impact it’s making, which in turn gives the donor more feedback and a better journey. By building the platform on blockchain, it’s enabled us to effectively remove a lot of the infrastructure that traditional charities have, which account for about 40 to 60% of most donations so we can get around 99.5% of the donation directly from the donor to the people on the ground.”

Thanks again to our panelists who made our first show such a success, for ensuring we will run future events and for proving that “when good people come together, great things happen”.

We’re busy preparing for our July show! Make sure to sign up and we will email you details in due course.

Mark L

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