The Dark Web & What You Need To Know About It

Pyramid Staff
Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2019

The picture above shows exactly what the internet is. In simple terms, you can’t access anything on the Deep Web or Dark web without using a special type of software. Most people use the Tor network and an onion browser since it is built it. On top of that, you need a top notch VPN. One that doesn’t track you or leaks your IP, which is common.

I’m not encouraging anyone here to go on the Dark web, I have had my time exploring it and you can get yourself in a rabbit hole. At first, all it seems like is a normal internet browser, you can still go on normal sites and do all the things you would on the WWW, but there are many many many more web pages on the dark web and not all of them are good. Most of them are insecure, and they aren’t normal website addresses either, there are sites dedicated to selling drugs, pornography, hacking as well as different types of trade secrets, all of which are illegal.

To most people, this is intriguing, everyone likes to rebel a little and may want to go explore on the dark web, but if you don’t know what you’re doing and how to protect yourself it can go south real quick.

The thing with the dark web is, it just keeps going, more sites, more files, more downloads (please don’t download anything) but at the same time, people make up stories of what it’s about. Again, the dark web is the WWW that is extended and has sites that are filtered out essentially. Knowing that you can get to these unfiltered sites can be kind of scary. You never know what you’re going to click on, you don’t know what will pop up and it can be nerve racking.

I’ve explored hundreds of sites on the dark web for the sake of research and the main sites are a lot of hacking forums (YOU WILL GET HACKED IF YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU’RE DOING), online drug stores, random forums etc…

My advise to you is don’t go on there, yes it CAN be harmless because you need to know exactly what address you want to start searching around in, but like I said, it can go south real fast.



Pyramid Staff

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