PYRIN. 3 2 1.

Pyrin Network
Published in
4 min readSep 17, 2023

Short intro, and how to start

Getting started with mining PYRIN
PYRIN is a novel fair-launched GhostDAG implementation, designed to provide a decentralized, high-throughput, low-latency, secure, ASIC resistant transaction network with built-in smart contracts, secured by a resource-managing proof-of-work revolution. PYRIN is a BlockDAG-based, decentralized cryptocurrency. Keep reading this article on how to mine PYRIN to learn more!

Is the mining profitable?
The mining of PYRIN can be profitable, but it depends on several factors. Profitability is influenced by the price of the coin, the cost of power, and the difficulty of the mining operation. At the moment the price of PYRIN is very volatile, much more like any other cryptocurrency, making it challenging to forecast mining profits. However, because PYRIN has a low mining difficulty, mining it can be more profitable. Overall, even if PYRIN mining is profitable, it’s crucial to consider all variables before devoting time and resources to mining.

Now starting with PYRIN
At the moment only solo mining is possible since no pools do exist. This means that the mining software has to interact directly with the node, asking it for tasks for mining (more precisely, block templates), and — in case of a successful solution of the crypto puzzle — giving back the finished block to the node. In the templates returned by the node the crypto puzzle complexity threshold is set to the value dictated by the network, so that immediately after finding the block can be built into the DAG and reported to all other nodes of the PYRIN network.

For solo mining PYRIN two components are required: the node software (pyipad) and the mining software (pyrinminer). A third component is required to create and maintain a wallet. The node listens for new blocks while the miner is searching for blocks to report to the node. All three components are provided as stand-alone files which require no installation.

Note that the node and miner software must be running in parallel.

Let’s start with the node software first!
The node software (pyipad) has several configuration options available to tweak how it runs, but all of the basic operations work with zero configuration except the /utxoindex flag (you can omit this flag if you don’t use the wallet). All the options can be seen by using the /help option (pyipad /help).

For starting the node you have to enter

For Windows:

pyipad.exe /utxoindex

and for Mac/Linux:

./pyipad /utxoindex

The first time you run pyipad, it will retrieve peer information from Pyrin’s DNS server and will start synchronizing with the network. First synchronization may take up to several hours (depending on your CPU strength and bandwidth). It is impossible to mine before the network is synced. Every time you run pyipad, it will incrementally sync any blocks accumulated while it was offline; this is typically a much shorter process.

Creating a Wallet (optional)
The miner needs a wallet address for transferring the rewards to. Therefore, the respective keypair is created with the command “create”:

pyrinwallet.exe create
./pyrinwallet create

You will be asked to choose a password for the wallet (a password must be at least 8 characters long, and it won’t be shown on the screen you as you entering it). After that you should run this command in order to start the wallet daemon:

pyrinwallet.exe start-daemon
./pyrinwallet start-daemon

And then run this in order to request an address from the wallet:

pyrinwallet.exe new-address
./pyrinwallet new-address

Your screen will show you something like this:

The wallet address is:

Note: Every time you ask pyrinwallet for an address you will get a different address. This is perfectly fine. Every secret key is associated with many different public addresses and there is no reason not to use a fresh one for each transaction.

At this point you can close the wallet daemon, though you should keep it running of you want to be able to check your balance and make transactions.

Running a miner
After having created a wallet, copy the address and run pyrinminer with it:

pyrinminer.exe --miningaddr pyrin:<YOUR_CREATED_ADDRESS>
./pyrinminer --miningaddr pyrin:<YOUR_CREATED_ADDRESS>

Note: The miner is single threaded, so it is best to run several instances of it to utilize more than one CPU core. Note: Mining cannot start before the network is synchronized. In order to conserve your CPU, the miner will not start mining before the node is synced. Hence, it is expected to see a mining rate of 0 Hashes/second for a while as pyipad obtains the current network state.

Mining on Additional Computers
Not all machines need to run pyipad. Once you have a running node, any other machine can report their blocks to it by using the -s flag:

pyrinminer.exe -s <node IP address> --miningaddr pyrin:<YOUR_CREATED_ADDRESS>
./pyrinminer -s <node IP address> --miningaddr pyrin:<YOUR_CREATED_ADDRESS>

You can run ifconfig in Linux or Mac or ipconfig in Windows on the machine running pyipad to find out its IP address.


PYRIN, a decentralized Kaspa fork integrated with Blake3, combines BlockDAG and GhostDAG with innovative Smart Contracts, ensuring scalable and instant transactions with low fees and introduces a groundbreaking resource-managing Proof-of-Work (PAIW).

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