Python File I/O

Python 101
Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2023
Photo by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash

Unlock the file input and output world in Python with these handy snippets. Learn how to read the entire content of a file or go line by line. You can also write, append, or perform both read and write operations. Additionally, discover how to create a translator that converts text to zh-TW (traditional Chinese) and writes it in a new file, with each line limited to 50 characters for easy readability. Explore the endless possibilities of file manipulation in Python!


  • Read the entire file.
with open('files/file.txt', mode='r') as my_file:
  • Read line by line.
with open('files/file.txt', mode='r') as my_file:


with open('new.txt', mode='w') as my_file:
text = my_file.write('this is a new file')


with open('test.txt', mode='a') as my_file:
text = my_file.write(':)')

Read and Write

with open('test.txt', mode='r+') as my_file:
text = my_file.write('hey it\'s me.')


  • Translate the word to zh-TW and write in a new file.
  • Move to a new line when writing 50 characters in one line.
from translate import Translator

# Create a Translator instance
translator = Translator(to_lang="zh-TW")

with open('./untranslated_words.txt', mode='r') as my_file:
with open('./translated-zh-tw.txt', mode='w') as my_file2:
while True:
# Read a chunk of text (up to 500 characters) from the file
chunk =
if not chunk:
# End of file reached

# Translate the chunk
translation = translator.translate(chunk)

# Write the translated text in lines of 50 characters each
for i in range(0, len(translation), 50):
line = translation[i:i + 50]
my_file2.write(line + '\n')

except FileNotFoundError as err:
print('File does not exist')
raise err

