Assessing the riskiness of a portfolio with Python

Bernard Brenyah
DS Biz
Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2017
Risks in Portfolios. Image Credit:

In the last post, we looked at the concept of risk through the perspective of single assets. This post builds and extends the concept of risk within the domains of portfolios. A portfolio is simply a single pool which contains two or more securities in that single pool.

The formula for measuring risk in a portfolio of various securities is:

Measuring Risk in a Portfolio


Measuring Risk (S.D.) in a Portfolio with correlation coefficient or covariance

Luckily, we have got Python’s number crunching libraries to do the heavy lifting for us. Translating this formula into a matrix sequence gives us a better view of the approach this tutorial adopts in assessing the riskiness of a portfolio.

Variance of a Portfolio expressed as matrix calculation

The matrix overview shows how the ‘raw formula’ is ascertained as a matrix multiplication sequence. The covariance matrix is multiplied with the weights and finally, the output of this operation is multiplied by a transpose of weights vector.

Weights transposed * (Covariance matrix * Weights)

Does it sound confusing? Don’t worry about! Once the calculations begin, you will have a clearer picture of this sequence. Let’s turn to Yahoo Finance for some analysis:

NB: Please read the .ipynb tutorial file on the desktop. Noticed the inability of attached notebooks to be read on smartphones. 

Based on the tutorial, I wrote a script that calculates the Variance and Volatility of an equally weighted portfolio made up of five (5) stocks; Apple, General Motors, General Electric, Facebook and Walmart.

Below is the output of the script:

Variance of Portfolio is 2.57%, Portfolio Risk is 16.02%

Great! In this post, we have covered the concept of assessing risk for investors who prefer holding on to a portfolio made up of various stocks. In the next post, we shall look at combining the concept of risk and returns with the inclusion of probabilites of scenarios.

