Top 10 Python Frameworks for Web Development

Kajal Suthar
Python Features
Published in
6 min readJun 12, 2024

Python is a popular programming language that helps with web development. It offers versatility, readability, and simplicity. With the varied frameworks available today, developers get diverse choices. But not all are equal, and this is why choosing between the best Python frameworks for web development is important. It is to be done with careful consideration of the features, robustness, and even popularity. Also, choosing between the type- full-stack framework, micro-framework, and asynchronous framework is important. So, if you’re willing to find the best, the given content herein is for you. Continue to read ahead to find what you are looking for.

Top Python Frameworks for Web Development

There are many Python frameworks available. However, not all are robust, up-to-date, and preferred by developers. This is why this guide has been prepared to offer you a complete idea of different frameworks and help you make the best choice.

Full-Stack Framework

Django/Django REST Framework (DRF)

It is a high-level full-stack Python framework that is renowned for its flexibility and speed within web application development. Being one of the best frameworks for web development, it features,

  • Authentication mechanisms
  • Template engine
  • Database schema
  • URL routing, etc.

Some of the supported databases of the framework like Oracle, SQLite, MySQL, etc. make it quite ideal for high-traffic websites including Pinterest and Instagram.

As for RESTful API development, the Django REST Framework extends Django’s capabilities. DRF, built on Django, offers the tools for the quicker development of API, such as data authentication, throttling, versioning, permissions, serialization, etc. It helps with the seamless handling of HTTP requests & responses, too.

Some checklists to look for when choosing the framework include security, scalability, versatility, feature richness, and speed.


High-performing, fastest, and modern full-stack framework, FastAPI is one of the amazing Python frameworks for web development. It enables developers to build APIs using the 3.8+ structure of Python. It is built upon the top of Pydantic & Starlette. Further, it leverages Python’s asynchronous capabilities for achieving exceptional performance.

If you hire Python developers in India, you will know that as per the thorough testing of FastAPI developers, they develop features much more quickly with 200 to 300% better speed and approx. 40% fewer code errors than the writing of code from the start.

FlaskAPI is used by,

  • Uber
  • Microsoft
  • Cisco, etc.

Features of FastAPI

  • Fastest Python frameworks
  • Developer-friendly
  • API documentation automation
  • Developers community is growing, etc.


This is a full-stack framework with a quality-driven and lightweight design. It’s suitable for large and small-scale apps as it excels within API projects and prototyping. It further offers,

  • Flexible authentication
  • Higher extensibility
  • Reliable security

The traversal framework aids in the development of RESTful API. It also boasts stronger API stability and comprehensive documentation.

The checklist for choosing the Pyramid is,

  • Future-proofed
  • Renderers and predicates
  • Flexible authorization and authentication
  • Asset and Templating Specifications
  • Single-file apps
  • Future-proofed
  • Lightweight, etc.


This, again, is the open-source Python web framework. Offering the best Python development services, the framework is designed with the Zope Toolkit tech. It has been designed with the mission of creating tools that are easy to use and that can support the rapid development of apps. Agile development is enabled by Grok for the developers, with the choice of convention over the configuration and Don’t Repeat Yourself. With the use of Grok, the developer gets access to a wide network along the independent libraries. It allows them to choose as per the task requirements.

Some checklists for choosing Grok are,

  • Support for the custom Web App Development
  • The upsurge of core tech
  • Enhanced web app development, etc.



As a microframework, Flash has a development server and a built-in debugger. It doesn’t have the built-in database interaction, instead Flash-SQLAlchemis package connects the web applications that are built on the Flash to the SQL database, just using the database URL. Also, it’s BSD-licensed. It also supports unit testing while allowing for the establishment of secure sessions from the client side. Flash is also compatible with the Google App Engine. It has been modeled along Sinatra Ruby framework lines and needs the Werkzeug WSGI toolkit and the Jinja template.

Flask showcases a high degree of adaptability as a lightweight framework. The best is that it allows the developers to enjoy building robust we apps via any extension.

Checklists to look for when choosing Flask are, a built-in debugger & development server, Jinja Templating, Unicode-based, plugin support for any of the ORM, etc.


An open-source and object-oriented microframework, CherryPy has its own HTTP/1.1-compliant WSGI web server that’s multi-threaded. The platform-independent framework supports rapid development with a very minimalistic code.

Some of CherryPy’s features the built-in tools to,

  • Cache
  • Encode
  • Authorise
  • Document tasks.

The framework is known for reliability, stability, speed, and the capability for running varied HTTP servers, simultaneously.

Checklists for choosing CherryPy are,

  • Android compliant
  • Quicker developmental time
  • Flexible plugin
  • Powerful configuration, etc.

Asynchronous Framework


It is a Python web framework that has an asynchronous networking library that’s built to be scalable. The framework uses the non-blocking network I/O for scaling to 1000s of open connections. So, it is perfect for WebSockets, web apps, and long polling which needs long-lived connections for each of the users. It is, therefore, an idea to resolve the C10k issue.

Tornado’s built-in HTTP server allows for serving applications. Apart from that, certain checklists are to be noticed. They are,

  • Real-time services
  • Web templating
  • User authentication support
  • High-quality performance
  • Localization and interpretation support, etc.


Django-Ninja is an asynchronous framework that is an intuitive Python web framework that enables fast execution. It is designed to create APIs with Python 3.6+ and Django-type hints. The comprehensive documentation and the automated API documentation help streamline the development. It further adheres to JSON Schema and OpenAPI standards, therefore making it right to build high-performance APIs for the web.

The checklist when choosing Django-Ninja is as follows,

  • Has asynchronous capabilities
  • Scalability
  • Offers robust security features as against SQL and CSRF injection
  • Better performant, etc.


It is an asynchronous framework which is open-source. It has a web server, which is async-enabled 3.8+, that is focused on rapid development and also the faster HTTP response. It is known to support the intuitive creation of API via async/await syntax for non-blocking code. Further, Sanic is a flexible and unopinionated high-performing and scalable framework that handles 33,342 requests per second with just 1 process and 100 connections that leverage ujson and uvloop for enhanced performance.

To choose Sanic, look for the following checklists

  • Varied logging- Error log and Access log
  • Plugin Support
  • Enables and writing and reading of Cookies
  • Support for the blueprints for the in-app sub-routing, etc.


As an asynchronous framework, AIOHTTP relies upon Python 3.6+ features, like async/await. It leverages asyncio library of Python, which puts it within the category of the frameworks. Further, it supports both the server and the client side of the HTTP requests and the WebSocket out-of-the-box. It eliminates Callback Hell, which makes the framework quite ideal for the project of web app development. It even allows for the effective building of web apps through signals and middleware support.

Some checklists for choosing AIOHTTP are,

  • Signals
  • Pluggable routing
  • Effective views building
  • Server and client WebSockets support without the Callback Hell, etc.

Final Words

Hopefully, by the end of the article, you will be able to find a framework that will fulfil your requirement for python development services. If now, hire a company or a professional who will be able to help you out for choosing the best. With it, you will not just meet the curated requirements and needs of the project but will also receive development services for future requirements. So, choose wisely.

