Unlocking the Gates: A Python Wizard’s Guide to Student Enrollment 🧙‍♂️📚

Dante Taviantz
Create Everything Python
4 min readJan 25, 2024


Welcome, fellow Python enthusiasts! Today, we embark on a magical journey into the realm of logical and comparison operations, where we unravel the secrets of enrolling students in our mystical Python course. 🚀✨

Let’s dive into this article about enrolling students using logical and comparison operations.

Setting the Stage 🎭:
Imagine you’re the gatekeeper of knowledge, and you’ve devised a rule to determine who gets the golden ticket to your Python wonderland. The rule, written in the language of Python, looks like this:

Decoding the Parameters 🕵️‍♂️:
- `average_grade`: The magic number that reflects a student’s overall performance.
- `recommended_by_tutor`: A mystical seal of approval from a wise tutor.
- `finished_introductory_course`: An indicator of completing the gateway course.
- `introductory_course_grade`: The enchanted score earned in the introductory course.

Our Cast of Characters 🌟:
Behold, the brave souls seeking entry into our Python kingdom:

