two lines python code to achieve video file specified time clips


For the wonderful pictures in the video, sometimes you want to save the screenshots, which can be achieved through the screenshot software, but the screenshot software can only locate the time by playing the software button. The time precision is seconds, which is not enough for some special needs such as scientific research observation.

from moviepy.editor import *

clip = VideoFileClip(r"F:\video\fansNote1M_crop.mp4")
clip.save_frame (r"F:\video\fansNote1M.jpg",9.75)

The above three lines of code first load the Moviepy module, then read in the video file, and output the screen at the specified time to the specified file. The above three lines of code can also be reduced to the following two lines:

from moviepy.editor import *

VideoFileClip(r"F:\video\fansNote1M_crop.mp4").save_frame (r"F:\video\fansNote1M.jpg",9.75)

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