Python — Data Science December

A Python Data Science Digital Advent Calendar

Python Point


Python Data Science December.
Image by Kevin Sanderson from Pixabay. The image was slightly edited by the author.

Welcome to Python Data Science December. One story about Data Science with Python each day — from December 1st until December 24th. How does this sound to you? You can call it a digital data science advent calendar. 🎄

Together, we will work on awesome real-life projects. Some of them will be full-blown data science projects covering the whole range of Data Science that you can copy & add to your portfolio. Others will only cover one specific area of data science like crawling, transforming, or visualizing the data.

This story will be continuously updated each day from now to December 24th. Additionally, this story will be used to track some interesting KPIs like views, claps, earnings & more. See below the list of stories each day.

Overall, I have spent >150 hours implementing & writing these stories, so any support would be highly appreciated. In return, you will gain knowledge in Data Science & Python in the below areas and with the following libraries.

  • 🔍 Data Analytics: Numpy, Pandas, CSV, JSON
  • 📊 Plotting & Visualizations: Matplotlib, Plotly, Folium, Leaflet
  • 📰 Web Scraping: Selenium, BeautifulSoup
  • 📲 API-Calls: Requests, yfinance…

