Python Benin, One Year Later

Junior Gantin
Published in
2 min readJan 9, 2020

2019 has been an exciting year. Before we dive into a new year, we’re looking back on all we’ve accomplished together as a community in 2019.

Grant 💜

Python Software Foundation Grants Work grant us an amount for our meetups (snacks, swag and venue) in 2019. It was very helpful to us.

Meetups 💻

Open-source projects🛠

  • kkiapay-python: Community-driven Admin KkiaPay (a payment gateway in Benin) Sdk for Python;
  • If you’ve been to our website recently, you might have noticed some changes. It took us about one month (for french speakers, you can follow the thread while redesigning here). Ralph, Othniel thanks again ❤️

PyCon Africa 2019 🎤

Two of our members have attended PyCon Africa 2019 and we look forward to seeing some more of you there, this year.

What about 2020? ⭐️

This year, as a community, we’re working on creating more content for developers in Benin. Workshops, meet-ups, insightful and inspirational stuff.

Thanks for reading and happy 2020 to everyone!



Junior Gantin

Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.