Starting the Python Benin Community

Junior Gantin
Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2019

There have been many tech meetups in Benin like Docker Cotonou Meetups or Google Developers Community Groups Meetups. But Python Benin is a new movement. It is the largest community of Pythonistas across Benin.

How we organized the first Python Benin meetup?

We reached out to Chukwudi Nwachukwu about creating a Python User Group in Benin.

We greatly appreciate the support we received from our parent organization, the Python Software Foundation (PSF).

We started by trying to get venues. Solidar’IT offered their office for meetups. We sent out tweets asking for support and there were positive responses from organizations who were interested in helping out.

Building the Python Benin community with over 100+ attending the first meetup

Before we kicked off the event, I did a quick introduction and gave some background on what Python Benin is all about as well as how it works and where it came from.

Right after the introduction, we welcomed our first speaker, Christelle Segoun from Right Com, a Beninese company creating customer experience-driven solutions. Christelle spoke about how Right Com uses Python to provide advanced tools for data collection, data analysis, and action management. Right Com is the #1 company in Africa that offers customer-centric solutions.

The next speakers, Nelson Kamga, Product Engineer at Beans Technologies and Ulrich Yakoun, Backend Developer at Beans Technologies spoke about why how Python can be used for Trading. They spoke about how to predict stock prices using an LSTM ( Long Short Term Memory).

Shadaï Ali, CTO of OpenSI, a Beninese Company, spoke about how they use Python for DevOps purpose at OpenSI.

For those who missed the Meetup and the yummy food, fret not !! Please see below the slides we shared in the Meetup!

What is in store for the next meetup and when?

We hope to have the next meetup in April 2019. The specific date would be announced on Twitter, so please follow us to get updates.

Learn more about Python Benin and join our community!




Junior Gantin

Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.